Teacher Behavior

Teacher behavior is key in determining how the classroom is managed. How the teacher conducts him or herself can severely alter the students behavior. Teams of researchers observed classroom teachers who were considered to be either very effective or very ineffective. Effectiveness was most often defined as enhanced student achievment on paper-andpencil tests (Levin and Nolan, p. 120). This correlation shows that teachers who posses effective teaching behaviors have had a positive effect on the students they interact with. Another author by the name of Borich states that there are five key behaviors that make effective teachers: lesson clarity, instructional variety, teacher task orientation, engagement in the learning process, and student success rate.  There are also five helpful behaviors that are closely related to the key behaviors: using student ideas, structuring, questioning, probing, and teacher affect. Though the definition of "teaching behavior" changes constantly the fundamentals remain the same. For example, if a teacher is constantly encouraging a student to do their best then that student may strive to do better. If the teacher clearly displays lessons and clarifies all questions the students may feel more inclined to ask for help when they do not understand. The teachers attitude and behavior can sway a students success. I plan to stay positive and keep calm, and fully explain my lessons that way my students are as successful as possible.


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